(The English Version)
BELIEVE IN AFRICA is a humanitarian Foundation, an Organization and ASSOCIATION Of Africans and friends of Africa, established as a non profit Organization that brings special smiles to children, disable persons, widows, Youths and elderly persons by providing them with much needed materials and financial assistant for their immediate and required needs.
We also intervene in illegal migrations matters by organizing seminars and conferences to sensitize the African youths the effect of illegal migration, encourage them and let them understand that, they can make it even here in Africa through our skills acquisitions programs.
We also intervene in illegal migrations matters by organizing seminars and conferences to sensitize the African youths the effect of illegal migration, encourage them and let them understand that, they can make it even here in Africa through our skills acquisitions programs.
The harmonious development of a country emanates from the efforts and
contribution of its citizens.
- Considering the danger of a poorly educated young person;
- Considering the difficulties faced by African youth;
- Conscious of the important role that young people must play in the
socio-economic development of the nation;
- Given the urgent need to create a framework in which young people can
meet and organize themselves in order to solve the multiple problems they face;
- According to the law N° 40-484 of the 1st of July 1901
Article 1: It is
constituted between the adherents to the present statutes an apolitical and
non-profit organization named: "Believe
in Africa-Togo" (BIA-Togo).
Article 2: The head
office is located in Lomé Hédzranawoé district; 09BP 9222 LOME - TOGO; Tel. (+228)
90 23 08 46/99 95 22 31. It may be transferred to any other place in the
national territory, by decision taken at the General Assembly, on the proposal
of the Executive Board.
Article 3: The
Association is created for an unlimited duration.
Article 4: The purpose
of the Organization is to contribute to the improvement of the socio-economic
and cultural living conditions of the grassroots communities in a sustainable
and participative human development approach.
Article 5: The
objectives of the Organization are:
- Reduce or reduce the poverty of grassroots
- To promote basic human rights;
- Promote democracy;
- Promote the rights of young people, especially those
related to education, health and training;
- Work for good governance;
- Contribute to the promotion of the rule of law;
- Contribute to the promotion of democracy and peace
in the nation;
- Contribute to a culture of non-violence;
- Fight against the manipulation of young people;
- Provide civic education for grassroots populations;
- To work for a perfect organization of the elections;
- To fight against violence in all its forms, before,
during and after the elections;
- Fight against the waste and squandering of public
- Promote a day of the republic;
- Provide medical care to the elderly.
- Promote education and vocational training of young
people and children;
- Encourage schooling for girls;
- Take charge of poor pupils;
- Promote basic education in rural areas;
- Work to awaken innate talents by learning it;
- Contribute to the training and capacity building of
- To contribute to the accessibility of education for
all children and especially girls in rural areas;
- To encourage school education for poor children;
- Promote the culture of excellence among learners;
- To encourage students to have a taste for reading;
- To fight against the lowering of the level of the
- To contribute to the schooling of poor children;
- To promote quality education for pupils;
- Fight against discrimination in school matters based
on gender;
- Promote equitable access to education for all
children in rural areas;
- Combat gender disparity in primary and secondary
- Ensure that all students in rural areas have
equitable access to quality education with the same chances of success;
- Fight against school drop-out and non-schooling in
rural areas;
- To bring basic populations to have access to primary
health care and pharmaceuticals at lower cost;
- Fight against STIs / HIV / AIDS as well as
opportunistic diseases;
- Provide financial, material and moral assistance to
poor people, especially widows;
- Improve the nutritional status of poor children;
- Improve the quality of health care for the population.
- Support the private initiatives of young people;
- Promote the employment of young people;
- Build the capacity of young people;
- Provide young people with income-generating
- Technically support young entrepreneurs;
- To encourage young people's self-promotion through
SMEs / SMIs;
- Reduce or reduce youth poverty;
- Promote the culture of excellence among young
- Help young entrepreneurs access funding for their
- Fight against idleness and juvenile delinquency;
- Encourage young people to take charge of themselves;
- Promote youth leadership and personal development.
- Support the private initiative of women;
- Strengthen the capacity of women
- To work for the self-promotion of women;
- Promote women's income-generating activities;
- Encourage education and training of the girl
- To contribute to the functional literacy of adult
- To encourage the employment of women
- To promote gender equity
- To take care of women and girls living with STI /
HIV / AIDS as well as orphans who are infected and / or affected
- To promote the reproductive health of women
- To fight against juvenile delinquency
- To fight against child labor, child trafficking and
violence against children Orphans
- Take care of destitute orphans
- Promote hygiene in local communities
- Give local people access to safe drinking water
- Contribute to education and training vocational
training of destitute children.
Article 6: The
Organization intervenes in the following areas:
- Democracy
- Fight against non-violence
- Promotion of peace
- Education, training and information
- The health
- Assistance to the poor;
- Youth employment
Article 7: In order to
achieve its objectives, the Organization intends, among other means, to:
- Sensitize and train grassroots populations
- Inform, educate and communicate
- Organize workshops, workshops colloquia,
conferences, round tables, meetings
- Collaborate with public authorities, local
authorities, NGOs, national and international associations and institutions
- Provide support to the grassroots communities
- Carry out studies and surveys and establish data
- Create emergency huts in the most remote hamlets
- Create schools and vocational training center
- Organize socio-cultural activities
- Build or rehabilitate health centers or other
training Health and hospital
- Initiate actions for the screening and management of
people suffering from diabetes, high blood pressure and cancer t People living
with HIV
- Seek curative and preventive means of STIs / HIV /
- Organize reforestation sessions
- Create employment
- Build centers for listening to and counseling
- Identify, develop, implement and evaluate projects
and programs for the populations
- Lobby and advocate;
- To make study trips
- To create a newsletter or leaflets
- To write reports and briefs
- To participate in radio and television broadcasts.
Article 8: The
Association is composed of members:
- Founders
- Active
- Sympathizers
- Honorary.
Article 9: Is a founding
member, any person who took part in the constituent General Assembly and whose
name appears in the minutes.
Article 10: Is an active
member, any member willing to:
- Participate fully in the activities of the
- Be eligible within the bodies
- Work to achieve its goals and objectives
- Participate in various meetings
- Perform regularly of his contributions
- To comply with the provisions of the statutes and
rules of procedure.
Article 11: Is
sympathizing member, any natural or legal person who without being a member of
the Association to provide him with financial, material, moral and / or
technical support in achieving his objectives.
Article 12: Honorary
membership is conferred by the General Assembly, on the proposal of the
Executive Board, to any person who has distinguished himself either by his
services rendered or by any exceptional action in favor of the objectives
pursued by the Association.
Article 13: Membership of
the Association is free and voluntary to any person, enjoying his civil and
moral rights without distinction of race, sex or religion and who adheres to
its objectives. To join, the applicant must send an application for membership
to the office. After study and favorable opinion, he is invited to be
registered in the register of the Association after payment of the right of
Article 14: The quality
of member is lost by:
- Resignation;
- Exclusion;
- Death.
Article 15: Any member
who resigns must refer to the Bureau by motivated letter.
Article 16: For any
reason deemed serious, any member may be expelled from the Association by a
majority of ¾ of the members present at the proposal of the Executive Board.
However, the person concerned will be invited to answer, beforehand, the
charges against him.
Article 17: Any member
who resigns or is excluded cannot claim the refund of his membership fee or his
previous contributions. On the other hand, he must pay any debts that he may
have incurred vis-à-vis the Association.
Article 18: The
Association has the following organs:
- The General Assembly;
- The Executive Board
- The Statutory Auditors.
Article 19: The General
Assembly is the instant Supreme Court of the Association. It consists of all
the members. It meets in ordinary session once a year upon convocation of the
President. It may, however, meet in extraordinary session when circumstances so
require. It is competent to:
- Adopt the
statutes and internal regulations
- Define the main
orientations of the Association
- Elect the
members of the Executive Board
- Nominate the
members of the Statutory Auditors
- Hear and
deliberate on the reports of activities and financial office
- Exclude any
member for any fault considered serious
- Give discharge
to the Executive Board
- Vote the budget
and approve the program of activities proposed by the Executive Board
- Set the rate of contribution
- Amend the
statutes and the rules of procedure
- Dissolve the
Association and decide on the destination of its property
- Decide on the affiliation of the
Association to other organizations;
- Rule on all items on its agenda.
Article 20: The General
Assembly takes its decisions by a simple majority of its members. Voting is by
secret ballot, by show of hands or by acclamation. The deliberations of the
General Assembly are recorded minutes transcribed on a register signed jointly
by the President and the Secretary General.
The General Assembly can validly deliberate only when a quorum of at
least 50% of members is reached. If this condition is not fulfilled, the
General Assembly is convened again, with the same agenda, within a period of
fifteen (15) days and can validly deliberate whatever the number of members
Article 21: The Executive
Board is the body of administration, animation and daily management of the
Association. It implements the decisions in accordance with the directives set
by the General Assembly. It can create permanent or ad hoc committees, decide
the budget that it submits for the approval of the General Assembly. He is
elected among the active members, by secret ballot with a majority vote of one
turn for a term of five (5) years renewable. It includes:
- A President
- A General Secretary
- A General Treasurer
- Two Councilors
Article 22: The Executive
Bureau is in charge of:
- Voting the budget to be submitted for the approval of the General Assembly
- Taking decisions on the problems facing the Association and report to
the General Assembly
- Propose to the General Assembly, new orientations and actions aimed at
the aims and objectives of the Association
Receive and study the problems of delisting and letters of resignation
- Create committees and working groups as necessary and ensure their
proper functioning
- Manage the assets of the Association and ensure the proper functioning
of banking and financial operations
- Organize sessions of the
General Assembly.
Article 23: The Executive
Bureau ordinarily meets once a month in ordinary session. He may, however, meet
in extraordinary session when the circumstances so require. He may validly
deliberate only if at least two-thirds (2/3) of his members are present. Its
decisions are taken by a simple majority.
Article 24: The members
of the Executive Board do not receive any remuneration because of their
function. However, they are reimbursed for their mission, travel or
representation expenses.
Article 25: The President
is the first responsible of the Association. It represents it in all the acts
of the life and before the thirds and ensures the application of the decisions
taken in General Assembly. He convenes and chairs the sessions of the General
Assembly and the meetings of the Bureau. He signs letters and all contracts and
agreements that are in line with the Association. He orders the expenses and
signs jointly with the Treasurer, the checks of the Association and the minutes
with the Secretary General. In case of impediment, the Secretary General shall
act as interim.
Article 26: The Secretary
General is the depositary of the archives of the Association. He ensures the
correspondence and administrative affairs of the Association. He gives the
opinions of the various meetings. He prepares, in agreement with the President,
the agenda of meetings and sessions of which he writes the minutes and ensures
their transcription on the register. At the end of the term of office, he
presents a report of activities.
Article 27: The Treasurer General is responsible for
the recovery of the funds of the Association which he manages. He keeps the
regular accounts and the accounting documents. He disburses on the order of the
President with whom he signs jointly the financial documents of the
Association. He also manages the material heritage of the Association. It presents
an annual financial report and a financial report at the end of the mandate of
the office.
Article 28: Advisers by their experiences assist
the Executive Board in carrying out the tasks assigned to it.
Article 29: The General
Assembly elects for a term of one year renewable once only, two (2) Auditors
responsible for:
- Checking the books, the files, the portfolios and
the values of the Association
To check the regularity and the sincerity of the inventories and balance sheets
as well as the accuracy of the information given on the accounts and the
financial situation.
They operate unexpectedly and the Treasurer General is held to make
available to them all the documents necessary for their work.
They report regularly to the General Meeting of any inaccuracies
identified in the management act. They submit an annual report to the General
Assembly on the basis of which the vote of a discharge takes place in the
Executive Bureau.
Article 30: The resources
of the Association are constituted of:
- Membership fees; contributions
- Interest earned on
- Donations, legacies,
- Income from its activities.
Article 31: The duly
authorized President and the Treasurer General open on behalf of the
Association, any account of postal checks or account in bank. Their joint
signatures are necessary for any withdrawal operation on this account.
Article 32: For current
expenses, the Treasurer General holds a fund of cash whose maximum credit will
be determined by the General Assembly. Any surplus must be paid into the
account of the Association.
Article 33: The resources
of the Association will be used to achieve its objectives.
Article 34: The
provisions of the present statutes can be modified only in Assembly General by
a majority of 2/3 of the members present on the proposal of the Executive Board
or at the request of at least one third of the members.
Article 35: The
Association can be dissolved only in extraordinary General Assembly specially
convened for this purpose under of a decision taken by a majority of 3/4 of the
members present. In the event of dissolution, it is named one or more
liquidators who after clearance of the liabilities allocate the net assets to
an Association pursuing the same goals.
Article 36: The Executive
Board draws up rules of procedure which it submits for the approval of the
General Assembly. He will determine the details of the execution of the present
statutes if need be.
Article 37: The present
statutes enter into force to count from the date of their adoption.
Done at Lomé on 27th
October 2017
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